Streamlining Client-Contractor Collaboration for a Digital Marketing Agency

Neomedias Agency


Software Development, CRM, UI/UX Design


Digital Marketing

Tech Stack

React, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, GCP, Firebase, Stripe, Figma, Shopify API


Full-Cycle Development

The Challenge

Neomedias Agency faced a complex challenge managing client projects and their network of specialized contractors. Their previous system involved a mix of spreadsheets, emails, and disparate communication tools. This led to inefficient task assignment, with matching the right contractor to each Shopify task being time-consuming and prone to errors based on skillset and availability. Additionally, clients needed more real-time visibility into project costs, and tracking contractor hours against budgets was cumbersome. Communication bottlenecks between clients and contractors hindered project velocity and could impact client satisfaction.

The Solution

Deviant developed a custom management system that centralized and streamlined the agency's entire workflow. The system featured intelligent task assignment, allowing for a streamlined matching process based on contractor skills and availability. It also provided transparent budgeting with real-time cost tracking for clients and tools for setting and managing task budgets. Additionally, an integrated chat system facilitated direct communication between clients and contractors within the platform, eliminating the need for external tools.

The Results

The custom management system significantly improved efficiency and transparency for Neomedias Agency. A 68% reduction in task assignment time was achieved, ensuring projects were staffed quickly with the most qualified contractors. The platform enhanced client satisfaction through real-time budget visibility and direct communication channels, fostering trust and streamlining the project experience.

Why Deviant?

Deviant's deep understanding of Shopify's capabilities and API integration points was crucial to tailoring the solution. Our ability to design a system with the needs of clients, contractors, and agency admins in mind ensured a seamless experience for all stakeholders. This project demonstrates our proven track record in streamlining complex processes through custom software solutions.

Tech Overview

The platform was built using a robust and scalable tech stack. The modern Front-end leveraged React, TypeScript, SCSS, and Bootstrap for a responsive and intuitive user interface. A robust Back-end powered by Node.js and Express.js provided efficient data handling, integrated seamlessly with Shopify APIs. Firebase, MongoDB, and GCP ensured secure data storage and cloud-based deployment, while Google Auth enabled easy user management.


Shopify API