Powering Electric Mobility Sales: A Website Transformation Case Study

A West Coast Electric Mobility Company


Software Development, UI/UX Design, Technical Consulting


Electric Mobility

Tech Stack

React, TypeScript, Node.js, MongoDB, GCP, Magnolia, Material-UI, Firebase, Stripe, GraphQL, Elasicsearch, Redis


Custom Solution

The Challenge

The Client's outdated website presented several challenges. Slow load times, confusing navigation, and a visually unappealing design created a frustrating user experience. Limited filtering options and a basic search functionality made it difficult for customers to find the products they needed. This hindered product discovery and, ultimately, sales.

The existing affiliate program was also tricky to navigate and needed more tools to attract and manage partners effectively. The absence of content pages, such as a blog or dedicated affiliate resources, limited the website's ability to engage customers and drive traffic.

The Solution

Deviant's approach centered on deeply understanding e-commerce best practices and user experience principles. Every redesigned element, from the intuitive search functionality to the seamless checkout flow, was optimized for customer ease.

Recognizing the potential of affiliate marketing as a powerful growth engine, Deviant implemented a robust program as a core element of the redesign. This strategic focus aimed to maximize the Client's reach and drive additional revenue streams.

The website's foundation was built on Next.js and GraphQL, technologies chosen for their SEO benefits, lightning-fast performance, and ability to scale alongside the Client's expanding product offerings.

The Results

The website transformation led to a significant 146% increase in online sales, exceeding the Client's expectations. The affiliate program also experienced substantial growth, contributing to the project's overall success.

Customer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with frequent praise for the ease of navigation, frictionless purchase flow, and seamless overall buying experience.

Why Deviant?

Deviant's insights into the needs of eco-conscious consumers informed features tailored to the electric mobility market. This niche expertise and a strategic approach to e-commerce solutions set Deviant apart. Key strengths include:

  • Deep understanding of e-commerce best practices and user experience (UX) design
  • Strategic focus on revenue-generating solutions
  • Niche expertise in the electric mobility market

Deviant delivers transformative e-commerce solutions that drive long-term growth for ambitious e-mobility businesses, from the website's foundation to its strategic expansion.

Tech Overview

To deliver a high-performance, scalable, and SEO-friendly e-commerce experience, Deviant carefully selected a modern tech stack:

  • Front-end: Next.js (React framework) and GraphQL were employed for their speed, SEO advantages, and the ability to handle the client's expanding product catalog efficiently.
  • Advanced Search: Magnolia's search capabilities were integrated to provide fast, accurate, and relevant product discovery, directly addressing a prior customer pain point.
  • Design System: MUI (Material UI) provided a robust foundation for the sleek new design, ensuring visual consistency and streamlining development.
  • Affiliate Program: Custom-built tools were integrated to enhance the affiliate experience, providing easy onboarding, management, and detailed reporting capabilities.

