Empowering Students on Their Path to College Success

An EdTech Startup Dedicated to College Roadmapping


Software Development, UI/UX Design, Quality Assurance, Cloud Services, Cloud Architecture, DevOps



Tech Stack

React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Node.js, Strapi, Jest, Firebase, GCP


Full-Cycle Development

The Challenge

The platform was designed to address the following challenges faced by high-achieving high school students:

  • Information Overload: High school students are inundated with information about colleges, essays, financial aid, and application procedures.
  • Lack of Personalized Guidance: Many students don't receive sufficient individual support to develop a strategic roadmap aligned with their goals.
  • Disorganization and Missed Deadlines: Juggling multiple application components and deadlines can lead to missed opportunities.

The Solution

This EdTech startup provides a comprehensive platform addressing these challenges:

  • Personalized College Planning: Tools to build customized plans encompassing academics, standardized testing, extracurriculars, essay preparation, and application timelines.
  • College Matchmaking: Intelligent algorithms suggesting colleges aligned with student preferences, academic profiles, and financial aid needs.
  • Expert Mentorship: The ability to connect with experienced college advisors for additional guidance and support.
  • Resource Hub: A curated library of articles, essay prompts, and information on financial aid and scholarships.

The Results

This platform transforms the college preparation experience by:

  • Reducing Stress: Providing structure and clarity to the application process.
  • Increasing Student Agency: Empowering students to take charge of their college journey.
  • Optimizing Outcomes: Improving chances of acceptance to target schools and securing better scholarships.

Why Deviant?

  • EdTech Expertise: Proven track record in developing impactful educational software solutions.
  • Understanding of User Needs: Deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by college-bound high school students.
  • Strategic Technology Choices: Proficiency in a modern tech stack, ensuring a scalable, performant, and easily maintainable platform.

Tech Overview

Deviant's team leveraged their expertise in modern web development and educational technology to create a robust and user-friendly platform. Key technology choices included:

  • Frontend:
    • React and TypeScript: Building dynamic, component-based interfaces with enhanced code maintainability.
    • GraphQL and Apollo Client: Efficient and flexible data fetching from the backend API.
  • Backend:
    • Node.js: Scalable runtime environment for server-side logic and API development.
    • Strapi: Rapid content management system (CMS) to streamline content updates.
  • Testing:
    • Jest: Comprehensive unit testing to ensure code quality and reliability.
  • Infrastructure:
    • Firebase and GCP: Cloud-based services for scalability, authentication, and potentially other features, ensuring reliability for a growing user base.


Apollo Client