Empowering Educators and Learners: A Comprehensive EdTech Platform

A leading publishing company with a strong focus on digital educational solutions


Software Development



Tech Stack

React, Material-UI, SCSS, TypeScript, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Jenkins, Jest, Cypress, AWS


Team Augmentation

The Challenge

The publishing company's existing educational tools presented a fragmented user experience across teacher and student dashboards, content creation, and resource libraries. This disjointedness hindered seamless management of student progress, access to high-quality resources, and the efficient production of new materials. Additionally, the lack of a standardized component library led to inconsistencies in the look and feel of the company's educational offerings.

The Solution

Deviant partnered with the publishing company to design and develop a suite of integrated educational solutions addressing these challenges:

  • Teacher Dashboard: A central hub for classroom management, resource assignment, and student progress tracking.
  • Student Dashboard: Empowering learners with a personalized view of assignments and progress.
  • Digital Library: A comprehensive repository of educational resources created in-house and available for streamlined assignment.
  • Content Writing Platform: A collaborative environment for streamlined content authoring.
  • Components Library: Establishing design consistency and accelerating development across all applications.

The Results

The platform transformation yielded impressive results, exceeding the client's expectations:

  • Streamlined Workflows: Educators reported significant time savings in classroom management and resource assignment tasks due to the intuitive dashboards and streamlined processes.
  • Enhanced Student Engagement: Detailed progress tracking and personalized learning paths led to increased student motivation and measurable improvements in learning outcomes.
  • Accelerated Content Creation: The Content Writing Platform's collaborative features and streamlined publishing workflows boosted the production of high-quality educational resources.
  • Customer Feedback: The publishing company received overwhelmingly positive feedback from educators and students alike, praising the platform's ease of use, intuitive design, and the valuable insights it provided.

Why Deviant?

Deviant's leadership in frontend development, team management, and strategic technology choices ensured a performant, visually appealing, and easily maintainable solution.

Deep understanding of user experience (UX) principles in education and experience integrating with complex back-end systems were crucial to the project's success.

Tech Overview

Deviant's team leveraged a powerful suite of modern technologies to deliver a robust and scalable EdTech platform:

  • React: For building dynamic and component-based user interfaces.
  • Material-UI: To accelerate development with pre-built, themeable components.
  • SCSS: For efficient and maintainable stylesheet management.
  • TypeScript: To enhance code quality and maintainability.
  • GraphQL and Apollo Client: For flexible and efficient data fetching.
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Content Management System: A suitable CMS to facilitate content creation.
  • Jenkins:For continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).
  • Jest and Cypress: For comprehensive unit and end-to-end testing.
  • AWS: For cloud-based infrastructure, providing scalability and reliability.


Apollo Client