Building a Scalable, Data-Driven OOH Marketing Platform

An innovative Start-Up revolutionizing the Out-of-Home (OOH) marketing landscape


Software Development, DevOps, Technical Consulting, Business Analysis



Tech Stack

React, Redux, Node.js, TypeScript, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Jest, Cypress, GCP, Kubernetes, Firebase, Mapbox, MongoDB


Team Augmentation

The Challenge

Traditional OOH advertising often needs more reach, needs help targeting specific locations, and needs real-time campaign metrics. Our client envisioned a platform that would address these limitations while providing accessible gig opportunities for drivers.

The core technical challenge was building a system designed for rapid scalability and robust data analytics to empower businesses to make data-driven marketing decisions.

The Solution

To ensure scalability and flexibility, Deviant employed a microservices architecture. This allowed for independent development, deployment, and scaling of different components of the platform, such as campaign management, driver onboarding, route optimization, and analytics.

Key components of our solution included:

  • Intuitive Dashboards: User-friendly dashboards were developed for both businesses and drivers, providing streamlined campaign creation tools, real-time location tracking, route planning, and earnings management.
  • Data-Driven Analytics: Comprehensive reporting tools armed businesses with actionable insights into campaign performance, including location-based metrics, impression tracking, and audience demographics (if applicable).
  • Cloud-Based Infrastructure: Firebase and GCP were leveraged for reliable user authentication, database management, and real-time features.
  • Technical Expertise: Our team's proficiency in React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Node.js, and cloud technologies ensured a responsive, maintainable, and data-rich platform.

The Results

  • Unleashing Growth Potential: The microservices architecture ensured the platform could effortlessly scale to accommodate increasing user registrations and campaign volume, paving the way for expansion.
  • Empowering Data-Driven Decisions: Businesses gained access to actionable analytics and real-time reporting, enabling them to optimize their OOH campaigns for maximum impact.
  • Enhanced Driver Experience: Intuitive tools streamlined route planning and earnings management, providing drivers with a flexible and rewarding gig opportunity.

Why Deviant?

  • Scalability Mindset: Our strategic approach to architecture, utilizing microservices and cloud technologies, ensured the platform's ability to handle rapid growth.
  • Data-Driven Solutions: Deviant's expertise in building data-rich platforms empowered businesses to optimize their OOH campaigns through actionable insights.
  • Leadership & Collaboration: With effective leadership and cross-functional collaboration, Deviant delivered a robust, innovative solution that exceeded client expectations.

Tech Overview

  • Front-End: React and TypeScript provided a structured foundation for building dynamic user interfaces—GraphQL streamlined data fetching and updates.
  • Back-End: Node.js enabled efficient server-side logic and integration with various microservices.
  • Microservices: A microservices architecture facilitated scalability and independent development.
  • Cloud: Firebase and GCP provided essential services for authentication, data storage, and potential real-time updates.


Apollo Client